New Century Arts Inc.

Because there are variables beyond my control (clays, papers, water, mixing errors and etc) always pre test fire what you have before a big project. No guarantee can be offered that 'alternative" commercial paperclays now on the market will meet the all the performance advantages of my high performance trademark P'Clay® brand only available from licensed manufacturers/distributors.

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research areas


Ongoing R&D Need for Refinement of Sustainable Materials

Applications Beyond Art

Low cost medicines can be extracted from nano-porous compounds of paperclay ceramic. Design advantage saves money and time in production. Learn More.

contact Dr. Rosette Gault


Early Stage Research Water Filtration for A Sustainable Society

48 Page Report 2012 is available

A Potential for Paperclay Water Filters as a Porous Material: An Artist’s View 
Rosette Gault

The potential for porous ceramic paperclay to lower costs of domestic water filtration in developing countries is discussed, with an artist’s view toward filters that are as easy to use, and to look at, as they are multi-purpose and contribute to a sustainable society.

Collection contains:

1. Report rresented at the Ceramic Art and Design for a Sustainable Society Symposium in Gothenberg, Sweden March 7, 2011.

2. Three articles reprinte published in the international journal: Ceramics Art and Perception:Technical: Issue 32, 33, 34: 2011 and 2012

3. Page of Display of Scale Models Exhibited at Seattle Tacoma International Airport March-July 2012


The method used for ceramic water filters has been typically to stir sawdust, rice husks, or other combustibles in the laterite or red terra cotta local clay. After fire these organic materials burn and leave air-pockets and make the fired clay porous. But for the workers, dust from the sawdust used, for example, is not easy to breathe. This water system for paperclay pulp and slurry inhibits dust and saves many steps to streamline clay manufacture too.

ISBN 978-9825736-9-8 Published by Art Seed Books and Media, Seattle 2012

Please contact me for more if you would like a this 48 page pdf report in full.