New Century Arts Inc.

Because there are variables beyond my control (clays, papers, water, mixing errors and etc) always pre test fire what you have before a big project. No guarantee can be offered that 'alternative" commercial paperclays now on the market will meet the all the performance advantages of my high performance trademark P'Clay® brand only available from licensed manufacturers/distributors.

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contact Dr. Rosette Gault by email

paperclay translucent porcelain in "window-door"


Study with Rosette

2017, June 4-6: I wll be in residence to explore "Improvisation" for first two weeks in June at Watershed Ceramic Studio, Newcastle, Maine, USA. Call the center because as of March some spots available. Join us. (It is not a paperclay workshop.)

Ongoing: For artsts who seek a fresh perspective, save hours of trial an error. Currently offer private consults/coach/mentor sessions custom tailored heart to heart as confidential session by phone or in person- to faciliate optimum progress through technical, emotional, spiritual, professional challenges to art practice, exhibition, etc.

Artist retreat combined with workshop are in plans.

Second Printing of Paperclay Art and Practice is your handy in studio illustrated resource for inspiration and technical support.

Again thank you to all contributors. The overflow of excellent work by artists will appear in new titles- that are are production but no release date set yet.