The two early models of porcelain "cyborgs" paperclay and mixed media forms here by K.C. Adams (Canada) are "remote control" wired inside to "travel", "rotate", and more. They are part of larger installations or environments decribed in brief below.
An exhibit in Toronto Feb 2006 featured live web cams, motion sensors, sound triggers, connecting scupture objects like the above also.
This is still an interesting work even today.
k. c. adams : Cyborg Living Space (Hint , use the rollover when you get there)
k. c. adams: Language of Intercession, Installation
My Impression:
Cyborg Living Space Installations: The viewer is invited, for example, to sit in a special chair and interact, be confronted with, or be entertained by objects related to "daily living" like never before technically possible. Or the viewer "snoops" by webcam to witness a human actress/artist negotiate and improvise exisitence in a restricted color space with robot sculptures for companions.
Adams questions the impact of technology and information overload on our epi-modern era. (My term for art beyond post modern). She asks us to examine the paradox of isolation despite so many connections! Over time, how will spaces so wired affect human relationships, feelings, and senses?
It was a deliberate choice to use the new media of paperclay for a few of the the objects as the medium fits with the overall issues addressed.
These were among if not the first of this genre- since then robotics and installation have become quite normal for installation work even.
Review by Rosette